Adventures of a Cyborg Hybrid
Monday, October 11, 2010
I wish I could say that I have much to report since landing down under, but alas there is not much to write.  I haven't been able to move into my studio yet because the previous tenant is still clearing out, therefore the physical work towards my project will have to wait.  Josh, Mac and I have been slow to explore our surroundings.  Josh is a tad paranoid so he isn't always interested in exploring and I am inherently lazy so I can be a bad travel companion.  As for Mac, he is outnumbered and is pretty obedient, so he doesn't go out as often as he would like. (Josh enters the room with a cup of tea and an Arrowroot biscuit)
 "I resent that accusation of paranoia!" he booms, having overheard the blog from the foyer. "These urchins have it in for both me AND my t-shirts!" [1]

Since writing the above text, guilt has set in and both Josh and I are making an effort to get out so our son can get some fresh air.  However it doesn't help that both Mac and myself have a cold, so I have been doing research on the computer sitting/laying on the couch while Josh and Mac are out playing.  Being the cyborg hyrbid that I am, I often have the t.v. going while I work on the computer.  Through my channel surfing I found a lecture given by Canadian anthropologist Wade Davis.  In 2009 Davis delivered a series of talks for the CBC Massey Lectures entitled The Wayfinders, which has also been published as a book under the same name.  It was picked up here in Australia on one of the channels so I was able to watch part of a lecture, but it is unclear whether the station will show more.  So with my curiosity piqued I set off to find more, check out Wade Davis on Wayfinders and then check out
Light at the Edge of the World 

I am completely excited about what he has to say especially about how we are all genetically the same and that 'race' does not exist.  However it is culture that defines the make up or our moral and ethical self.  That there is no one right culture but rather different points of view and how important language and culture needs to be honored and protected, with the same understanding that culture is always evolving.  I would be interested in hearing what other people think of these videos.

I will go now and get back to my research, Josh and Mac just got in.

KC Adams

[1] Josh and Mac were both wearing 'I love NY' t-shirts in the park when a girl shouted "If you love it so much, why do you go there!?"
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Cyborg Hybrids is a photo series that attempts to challenge our views towards mixed race classifications by using humorous text and imagery from Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Cultures.

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Socio-economic issues faced by North America’s consumerist culture inspire the content of my work. My main focus has been the investigation of the dynamic relationship between nature (the living) and technology (progression). I work in any medium I can get my hands on and that includes: sculpture, installation, drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, printmaking, kinetic art and flash animation.

April 2007 / October 2010 /

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